Min. Mustapha pledges support for Zeeburg fisherfolk

During a community outreach to Zeeburg on the West Coast of Demerara on Tuesday, AgricultureMinister Hon. Zulfikar Mustapha said that additional infrastructural works will be...

13 Fisheries Officers complete UK Marine Training

Thirteen Fisheries Officers successfully completed the Marine Mammal Observer training program facilitated by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee of the United Kingdom. The accomplishment of...

200 acres of pasture, improved irrigation for Vriesland farmers

Residents and farmers of Vriesland, West Bank Demerara, had the opportunity to voice their concerns and receive direct responses from Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha...

Approximately $300 million being expended to rehabilitate Mon Reposlanding site

Fisherfolk from along the East Coast of Demerara who ply their trade at the Mon Repos/North De Endgragt landing site will soon enjoy improved facilities...

Approximately 9,000,000 bags of paddy to be harvested this crop – Min. Mustapha

During a meeting with rice farmers from the West Coast of Demerara (Region 3), Agriculture Minister, Hon. Zulfikar Mustapha, said that approximately 9,000,000 bags of...

Region 2 saw major development over the past four years – Min. Mustapha

During a meeting with rice farmers from the Essequibo Coast on Friday, Agriculture Minister Hon. Zulfikar Mustapha said that, over the past four years, the...


To ensure the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes which facilitate the development of agriculture and fisheries in Guyana, thereby contributing to the enhancement of rural life, the sustainable improvement of incomes of producers and other participants in the agricultural production and marketing chain; and the maintenance of a sound physical and institutional environment for present and future productive activities.


Min. Mustapha pledges support for Zeeburg fisherfolk

Min. Mustapha pledges support for Zeeburg fisherfolk
During a community outreach to Zeeburg on the West Coast of Demerara on Tuesday, AgricultureMinister Hon. Zulfikar Mustapha said that additional infrastructural works will be...

13 Fisheries Officers complete UK Marine Training

13 Fisheries Officers complete UK Marine Training
Thirteen Fisheries Officers successfully completed the Marine Mammal Observer training program facilitated by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee of the United Kingdom. The accomplishment of...

200 acres of pasture, improved irrigation for Vriesland farmers

200 acres of pasture, improved irrigation for Vriesland farmers
Residents and farmers of Vriesland, West Bank Demerara, had the opportunity to voice their concerns and receive direct responses from Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha...

Approximately $300 million being expended to rehabilitate Mon Reposlanding site

Approximately $300 million being expended to rehabilitate Mon Reposlanding site
Fisherfolk from along the East Coast of Demerara who ply their trade at the Mon Repos/North De Endgragt landing site will soon enjoy improved facilities...

Approximately 9,000,000 bags of paddy to be harvested this crop – Min. Mustapha

Approximately 9,000,000 bags of paddy to be harvested this crop – Min. Mustapha
During a meeting with rice farmers from the West Coast of Demerara (Region 3), Agriculture Minister, Hon. Zulfikar Mustapha, said that approximately 9,000,000 bags of...

Region 2 saw major development over the past four years – Min. Mustapha

Region 2 saw major development over the past four years – Min. Mustapha
During a meeting with rice farmers from the Essequibo Coast on Friday, Agriculture Minister Hon. Zulfikar Mustapha said that, over the past four years, the...